At the May 4 Solo/Small firm Summit Brenda Sauro & Alton PLLC presented “Tips from the Trenches – Behind the Scenes With the Neutrals”. With the pandemic, most civil trials were subject to multiple delays, making effective use of alternate forms for dispute resolution a necessity for litigants. In this CLE, we shared tips, perspectives, and feedback based on our own experience as well as some of the most sought-after and experienced practitioners in Minnesota who serve as mediators, arbitrators, appraisers and umpires. It was a fantastic turn out and excellent topic to present on. Brenda has been serving regularly as both an arbitrator and mediator for real estate, construction, and insurance cases. Adina has been serving as an umpire and appraiser in the first party insurance realm and has recently completed the 40-hour mediator training with a goal to offer mediation services for insurance coverage disputes. Both Brenda and Adina also serve as AAA arbitrators